Why Heat Pump in equatorial zone it most effective when your use.
The reason for use :
- 1.More energy saving when we are calulate with compare with other energy LGP , Electric , Bucker oil etc.
( calculation will answer you in below .) and why COP = Coefficient of Performanceis 3 -4 times more other energy.
- 2.Clean electric energy .
- 3.Safty with installation heat pump instead of boiler.
- 4.For environment by product flow out cold air to environment.
Heat Pump most should install in industrial because it can heat and preheat and reduce energy cost more than
LPG , Bucker oil , Disel oil , Electric heater etc. which it can off peak alternate plan and ider thinking.
- Industry process of food and drink
- Industry process of chemical
- industry process of textile
- Industry process of machinery parts
- Industry process of rubber gloves
- Industry process of dry food etc.
- Hotel and Resort
- Hospital
- Club spa cold and hot spa
How dose heat pump work ?
COP of heat pump ( Coefficien of Performance )
is calculating the efficiency of the heat pump by calculating from the heat energy obtained
devide the cost of electrical energy used.
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