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Pipe for hot water system PPR PN 20

PP-R pipe : for high temperature and pressure : Leakage problem free ! and 50 years life time ! DISMY : Khun Pai / RNT

Classification of polypropylene raw material .



Polypropylene raw material is classified three types :



The followings is molecular chain structure :

Homopolymer ( PP-H)



Block copolymer ( PP-B) :

[ P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P ] + EPR + PE


Random copolymer ( PP-R) :

-P-P-P-P-E-E-P-P-E-P-P-P-E-E-E-P- —





EPR——Ethylene propylene rubber


@ Easy way to differentiate PP-H PP-B PP-R

Melting temperature of PP-R is lower than 150 oC , but melting temperature of PP-H and PP-B is higher than 160oC

so PP-R can be judged by melting temperature.


@ Difference between PP-R112 pipe and PP-R80 pipe

Essential difference is that hoop stress of PP-R 112 is 11.2 MPa and hoop stress of PP-R 80 is 8.0 MPa for long

50 years service under constant 20 oC , Obviously PP-R 112 pipe has better pressure resistant and longer service

life than PP-R 80 pipe.


Ref : data from DISMY / RNT