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Pressure Storage Tank & Open Tank

Pressure Storage Tank : Stainless , Steel and etc.
Open Storage Tank : Stainless , Steel and etc.
Make by area : on area



Pressure Storage Tank :

1.Pressure storage tank

2.Open storage tank

1.Pressure storage tank is pressure tank system which can design pressure up to working which standard use
    pressure not over    3 bar at user point but pressure tank must test 7 bar and for factory may be specification test 12 bar.
    the product have 2 option 1. Stainless Steel SUS304 , 316  and 2. Steel S400 or make to order.
2.Open storage tank is open tank system which not use pressure for storage the tin up to order design  and need of
    owner order have both Stainless Steel SUS 304 , 316 and Steel