CREST Resort & Pool Villas by SGE

Start install piping and base plan for install heat pump model SGE heat pump and SGE All in one heat pump

The high light of 2016 The Energy Saving project which use heat pump instead of  electric heater

This project if use electric heater more 500 kW per hour but the owner Khun Amon decide to change

and alternate saving energy be heat pump which use electric only 32 Pool Villas  + 12 = 44 kW hour.

save more 1,000,000 baht per year and pay back only 2 year. by Andakira Group.

and now be CREST Tri Trang Resort and Spa which Siam Green Engineer Co.,Ltd. start product

Gen I before be Gen II which will produce and design in Thailand under right of  ” Leaf ” SGE Heat Pump.

Project site ” CREST Tri Trang :

Thailand make energy saving compare with electric heater 4 kW which saving more 60% by SGE All in One.

Heat Pump use electric only 1kW

Can supply outside and under building same environment and leave cold air out for the tree around heat pump.


Siam Green Engineer Co.,Ltd. with our team

At zone spa use ” Leaf ” SGE All In One Heat Pump 2 units compare with electric heater 4kW x 2 units but

use heat pump only 2 kw all electricity total.

9drawing system ABC

This design for CREST POOL VILLAS specification energy saving project.

Design and drawing line heat pump pipe hot water system.

10drawing system Pool villa

Design SGE All in one heat pump hybrid heater with 500  tank .

6Hot water tank10000liter

Design pressure hot water storage tank 10,000 Liter. for heat pump SGE Model .










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Checking site to lay on SGE All in one hybrid heater.


Engineer Khun Sun  checking and conclude base concrete base for heat pump.


Mark point to install heat pump.


Checking again with drawing for sure and exactly.



Prepare PPR PN20 Thai PPR for installation .


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SGE All in one heat pump3.6/350 liter now  lunch product produce to export now ready in light of Thai brand.

This is SGE All in one heat pump generation I which design and on 2017 will launch Gen II for the best product NOVO.

The efficiency make hot water be 60 degree use for resort.

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